Imagine catching Tarpon, Snook, and Redfish in one afternoon and all trophies… During the fall season, Sebastian Inlet becomes one of the hottest fishing sites in the state! This “non-advertised” inlet fills with mullet and pinfish from mid October through November where schools of giant Redfish, Snook, and Tarpon mix together in frenzy while feeding on the plentiful baitfish.
This fishing is very hands on. Big spinning rods and big baits are used while “drifting” with the current (dictated by the tide) through the inlet – similar to techniques used in Boca Grande but without the chaotic boat traffic. Tarpon to 150 pounds, Redfish to 40 pounds, and 20 pound Snook are regularly caught during the trips.
Fishing will usually start in the afternoon and last until the evening after the sun has set – the optimum feeding time of these fish. All live baits and tackle will be ready and in the boat waiting for you, all you’ll need to bring is your camera. This is a beautiful time of year, area, and time of day to be fishing (and fishing for trophy fish nonetheless), this is a must do for all fisherpersons as it is simply amazing!