We are approaching the heart of tournament season as guides of Native Sons Fishing. Thus far we’ve participated in three tournaments and are finding the awards platform familiar territory. Yesterday Jessica Jones, along with her dad, Capt. Roland ‘Grizzly’ Jones, and I fished the fourth leg of the Florida Flatsfishing Association circuit. Jessica caught an 8.93 pound trout for second place in the trout category and won first place lady angler. At the mid-way mark of thius circuit, Jessica has a commanding lead in the overal trout standings, out of 150 anglers, as well as the lead in the lady angler division. By the way, Jess and I have both secured spots in the season-ending championships to be held October 16-18, 2009.
The Grizz and Capt. Peter will begin their assault on the FLFA during the second half of the season beginning with the Ft. Pierce event on May 30-31. Our very close friend and alley in crime, Capt. Don ‘the Walrus’ Patterson, begin our participation in the Extreme Redfish tour next weekend while Peter and I start our competition in the national IFA Redfish Tour held in St. Augustine on the following weekend.